Conversations with God
Being able to talk to God and having him answer me is the best part of my relationship with God. This is why I am going to write about it. I have to say, it makes me a little nervous. I can still remember what I used to think about people who would say they talked to God. I thought they were either lying or crazy. So know, that I know, I will be the crazy lying woman to some of you and that is okay. I am still going to tell you about it because it still, and probably always will, amaze me.
My son ask me what is it like when God talks to you. The best way I could describe it was like this: When you are trying to solve something and you just can't figure out the answer. Then all of a sudden the answer comes to you. It is similar to that. It may not be right away. You may have to struggle and pray, I think He waits until you are ready to hear His answer. When He does answer, you will know it is from him.
To hear God, I am learning to just be quiet and wait. This is a hard lesson for me because I have always been one to jump in feet first without thinking. But that does not work out to well for me. So now, I am trying to just be quiet and wait. The answers will come when He thinks I am ready to hear.
Prayers are slightly different. He does answer your prayer but first you have to learn how to pray. God knows the big picture. We only see our picture. Unanswered prayers are unanswered for a reason. Now don't get me wrong you can pray for anything, but just trust that the answer may not be what you want but it is what God needs for you. That is hard for me sometimes but I just remind myself that God knows the big picture.
Now for all of you that just don't believe, I challenge you to do one thing. Even if you don't believe in God, just close your eyes and say this prayer "Dear God, show me you exist" If you are quiet and listen, he will show you. You won't loose anything by trying, but you just might gain something wonderful.