Not My Monkey, Not My Circus
Everyone has an opinion and that is normal. The trouble is some people believe it is there duty to spread their opinion around. These people also believe that their opinion and beliefs are the only right one. Well it makes me upset and now you are going to hear my opinion.
I don't care. Its not my circus! It's not my place to judge same sex marriages. I am not in one! Its not my place to discriminate against other races or religions. I am not even an expert in judging my own life. It is God's job.
It floors me when someone claims to be a Christian yet tells someone they won't go to heaven because they live a different lifestyle. You don't know who God will choose to come to his kingdom! I do believe God wants us to be his disciples. He wants everyone to know him. He wants his word shared, not our opinions. God wants us to love everyone like He loves us. He does not discriminate.
I think that some people can be "too christian". That's when their opinions, not God's, become what is important to them. I have family members that have become "too Christian" and it makes me sad.
Your circus is between you and God. Don't worry, he hung around a colorful group. Know Him, love Him, and have faith in Him. He will take care of the rest. Let only God lead you. No one else is worthy. when you catch yourself giving out opinions against someone remember: Not my circus, not my monkey
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